Business Process Extension

Ubiquitous Business Processes
Business Processes in organizations usually involve real-world objects such as products in a supermarket or baggage pieces in an airport.

Information Systems need mechanisms to connect those elements at the physical space with the information about them at the digital space. The application of Ubicomp in this area has proven to be successful, reducing media breaks, human errors and delayed information problems.

Real-world objects participating in Business Processes are no longer passive. Ubicomp transforms hem into smart interconnected elements that behave in a proactive manner. This improves business processes and enables new business models.
To face the high dinamism of Business Processes and the technological heterogenity to support RFID, barcodes, IR beacons or even human input, Model Driven Development is proposed as a solution.
This research line seeks the definition of modelling primitives to specify this kind of systems in order to generate and to provide a seamlessly integration with the work done in the Business Process Modeling community.


Building ubiquitous business process following an mdd approach.
Pau Giner, Victoria Torres, and Vicente Pelechano. In XII Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos, Zaragoza, September 2007.

Una propuesta basada en modelos para la construcción de sistemas ubicuos que den soporte a procesos de negocio.
Pau Giner and Victoria Torres. In F. Losavio, G. H. Travassos, V. Pelechano, I. Diaz, and A.Matteo, editors, X Workshop Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Requisitos y Ambientes de Software., Isla Margarita (Venezuala)., May 2007.

Modeling ubiquitous business process driven applications.
Victoria Torres, Pau Giner, and Vicente Pelechano. In J. Eder, S. L. Tomassen, A. L. Opdahl, and G. Sindre, editors, CAiSE Forum, 2007. ISSN: 1503-416X.