
Planned date: 18.6


There has been a growing interest in the role played by formal ontology, as well as areas such as philosophical logics, cognitive sciences and linguistics, in the development of theoretical foundations for conceptual modeling and IS Engineering. In particular, a number of ontological theories such as BWW, DOLCE and UFO have been successfully applied to the evaluation of conceptual modeling languages and IS frameworks (e.g., UML, ORM, ER, REA, TROPOS, ARIS, BPMN, RM-ODP, Archimate, OWL and RDF(S)), and to the development of engineering tools (e.g., methodological guidelines, modeling profiles, design patterns) that contribute to the theory and practice of these disciplines. Additionally, there has been an increasing interest in the use of empirical studies to assess the impact of the application of these theoretical foundations to the design of conceptual modeling grammars and tools. The objective of this workshop is to collect innovative and high-quality research contributions regarding the role played by the aforementioned disciplines to the foundations of conceptual modeling and IS Engineering.