Jorge Cardoso



Jorge Cardoso is Associate Professor at the University of Coimbra. He has published more than 125 scientific papers and has been part of more than one hundred program committees and organization bodies. He previously worked for SAP Research, the Boeing Company, and CCG/ZGDV; and participated in several US, EU, German, and Portuguese research projects. He was behind the creation of the first version of the Unified Service Description Language (USDL). His areas of interest include service systems, service networks, cloud computing, business process management, and semantic Web.


Standardization efforts to simplify the management of cloud applications are being conducted in isolation. The objective of this paper is to investigate to which extend two promising specifications, USDL and TOSCA, can be integrated to automate the lifecycle of cloud applications. In our approach, we selected a commercial SaaS CRM platform, modeled it using the service description language USDL, modeled its cloud deployment using TOSCA, and constructed a prototypical platform to integrate service selection with deployment. Our evaluation indicates that a high level of integration is possible. We were able to fully automatize the remote deployment of a cloud service after it was selected by a customer in a marketplace. Architectural decisions emerged during the construction of the platform and were related to global service identification and access, multi-layer routing, and dynamic binding.