The First Young Entrepreneur Seminar at PoEM 2015 (yes!PoEM 2015) is an event that will be held in Valencia, Spain, co-located with the 8th IFIP WG 8.1 working conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modeling (PoEM 2015) and it offers a springboard for young entrepreneurs helping them to exhibit their innovative business ideas!
Be a yes!PoEM, your innovative projects are welcome!
As a yes!PoEM 2015, following are waiting for you!
- Consultancy to specify the enterprise models of your business idea with the support of international experts of enterprise modelling
- Three days to present your poster and present your elevator pitch in front of an international audience with people from industry and academy
- Support to prepare the poster and leaflet of your business idea
- Support to prepare the elevator pitch in order to communicate and attract attention during the three yes!PoEM days
- An international meeting point to exchange new ideas, gathering feedback for your business and networking with interesting people
- Feedback from an experienced community in enterprise modelling practice for your business idea
- Advertisement of your business idea in the project CaaS website describing your business proposal and linking to your startup webpage: see Advertisement of your business idea in the yes!PoEM website
- Inspiration from all over the world
- PoEM bag including gifts and conference material
The cost to participate in the yes!PoEM is 180€. But, yes!PoEM can be free for you! During the three yes!PoEM days, attendees will vote for their favourite business idea. The winner will receive as price or his/her effort the certification of the best business idea in the yes!PoEM 2015 and the refund of the cost to participate in the yes!PoEM.
Requirements to participate
Motivation and enthusiasm to share your business ideas during the yes!PoEM 2015 to be held in Valencia from the 10-12 of November of 2015. Your business idea must be established and be part of a startup or SME.
Important dates
Proposal submission: 30 of September
Notification of acceptance: 10 of October
Submission of poster and leaflet: 30 of October.
Exhibition: 10-12 November
The entrepreneurs should issue a leaflet and poster.
Submission documents for application
Interested? Describe your business idea in maximum 4 pages and send your proposal before the 30 of august to Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. including your contact information (name and e-mail).
What do you need to bring?
Your enthusiasm and motivation to share your innovative ideas!
If your proposal is accepted for participating in yes!PoEM 2015, you will need to design and bring a poster and a leaflet for exhibiting your project. To prepare the poster and the leaflet, you are going to cooperate with a team of consultants who will help you improve the specification of your business idea. The posters and leaflets will be exhibited during the 3 days of PoEM 2015 conference, in the coffee-break area. Moreover, each day, the you will do a 1-minute elevator pitch to attract attention.
Poster requirements
Project information
Business models of your project that are created as a result of the consultancy activities
Logo of the sponsors' project to acknowledge their contribution during the consultancy tasks:
Feel free to be creative and give your best preparing a beautiful poster! the format is free
yes!PoEM co-chairs
Marcela Ruiz Hasan Koç
Universitat Politècnica de València University of Rostock
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